On Shore
Community participation is central to the policy and behaviour changes necessary to address Climate Change.
Communities are defined not only by location but also by physical, geographic and social archetypes such as climate and bio-regions; villages & towns; residential and industrial.
IslandPower identifies two classes of energy island:
Two key archetypes of IslandPower are:
On Shore - geographically co-located communities
require system development tailored to
demand and natural resources
On Island - physically connected microgrids require low
carbon upgrade to build in resilience


Community and civic buildings central to village social fabric typically require investment to upgrade legacy high cost carbon fuelled heating and cooling systems.
The combination of maintenance and energy costs of such buildings often leads to closure, repurposing or even privatisation. This tends to have a knock-on effect, with inhabitants relocating elsewhere for employment.
IslandPower's business model works with community members and villages in order to breath life back into the local economy. Stimulating employment and creating a circular economy.
Example: Linlithgow

A. Survey target Area (2013)

B. Gas and electric consumption (2013)
Linlithgow is small historic town situated 22 miles outside of Edinburgh and is known as the birthplace of Mary Queen of Scots. In 2013, with support from the Community And Renewable Energy Scheme (CARES) a study was undertaken to understand both the practicality and feasibility of installing an independent energy microgrid network that would seek to introduce resilient, reliable and efficient energy systems into Linlithgow as the primary supplier of energy.
The result of the survey was to highlight that there would be a up to 50% savings in energy consumed and an average reduction in the annual energy bill of £750 per year

New Zealand

Aotearoa is Māori name for New Zealand. Its meaning in Māori is "long white cloud", which may give an indication to the allocation of hydro and solar power throughout the archipelago.
IslandPower aims to supply solar, wind and hydro energy to directly drive air, ground and water source heat/cooling pumps and so to store and deliver heat/cooling and power in an integrated 'least carbon fuel cost' Natural Grid.
Our partnership-based legal design for development finance and long term funding of energy services is uniquely able to accommodate Maori culture and indigenous property rights over land held-in-common.
This Edge Fund approach enhances traditional Maori mutuality and solidarity, opening new avenues for Maori-led energy investment in accessible, affordable and sustainable energy supply to a historically disadvantaged community.